
Friday Faves!


It’s Frridaaaayyy!

There isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t spot something we like and mentally list it as a ‘favourite’!

So today we decided to actually put together a list of items that caught our eye this week!

From dressy dresses to seriously cute bags, below are some buys that we think you guys will love!


Before I go any further, however, I know that a few of you, particularly iPhone users, are having trouble with the links.

If you click on an item below, but it won’t load, then this is how you solve the issue.

Click the product you like, if it’s blank, click the three dots located at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

A number of options should pop up, one of which will be ‘Open in Safari’.
Click on this and you will be able to access the link without any problems!

If that doesn’t work, then an alternative option would be to open SoSueMe.ie through Google & not Facebook.

Now back to the post! Just click on the picture of the product to take you to the item!


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