
What I Wore: Blue Cold Shoulder Top & White Skinnies!


Hi guys!

Last Friday, it was SoSueMe’s 6th birthday!

As I explained on Facebook, I published my first blog post on SoSueMe one wet and miserable Wednesday afternoon back in July 2010, not knowing it would end up changing the course of my life within five years!

At the time I set up SoSueMe, I felt so low. I honestly felt like I was never coming out of the hole I had found myself in.

I had just been made redundant, and was jobless, penniless, not to mention up to my neck in debt. After joining the dole queue however, I pulled myself together and started going for job interviews. Eventually, I was offered a part time position in a radio station.

I knew the job had no future, but it’s a habit of mine to always like to look for the silver lining in a situation, so when I accepted the job, I focused on the fact that it was a position that would give me a foot in the door of the media industry.


One day, I decided to start a blog to pass the time, all the while thinking, “sure who knows where it could take me?”

Fast forward six years of hard work, dedication, determination and SoSueMe is bigger than I ever thought it could be. 

SoSueMe has grown from being my little happy place, my daily escape, to being just that for millions of readers worldwide. 

I have gone from the dole queue to being a bestselling author, the most influential Irish blogger worldwide and CEO of bestselling beauty brand SOSU.

sosu contour

I am so passionate about everything to do with SoSueMe and am genuinely so excited to think about where it will be in the next 5 years as I’m only touching the tip of the iceberg with my plans for both the site and the new SOSU brand! 

I have said it a million times in the past and I will say it a million times in the future, all of this would NOT be possible without you guys, your support, your encouragement, your daily loyalty! Thank you so much!

It’s crazy to think that was 6 years ago I was at my lowest and here I am stronger and more determined than ever! I built this world from disappointments and hard work, and of course with a great team by my side, some of now whom I employ full time!

To celebrate SoSueMe’s 6 year birthday, we invited some friends around to our house for drinks and then headed out locally for some cocktails.

I decided to wear a blue cold-shoulder top and white skinny jeans. You guys loved the blue piece. It’s actually a colour I don’t wear that often, but I think I’ll try and start incorporating it into my wardrobe a bit more from now on.

Lots of you wanted the details on where the outfit was from so if you missed it on social media, here it is again:


What I Wore: 

Top – sold out in most sizes but available here.

Similar versions also available in blue, black, yellow, white, light pink, and navy (curve)

Jeans – here //Shoes – River Island. Sold out but similar here.



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