Celeb Land

What Does Britney Spears Sound Like Without Auto-Tune?!?


You know what – she doesn’t sound great, but sure I don’t care – do you!!?  I doubt she cares what we all think anyway!

From a very young age, Sue told me last night that she has loved Britney Spears, and, even though it’s obvious from the track below that the million dollar artist can’t actually sing (without auto-tune), Sue still loves her and always will!

Auto-Tune has been embraced by the music industry for its ability to create polished, listenable recordings when an artist lacks the natural talent to hit every note. That’s the nice way of saying it. Britney Spears became the latest showcase of all that Auto-Tune makes possible this month after an unaltered studio session voice track leaked online. It’s for a song called “Alien” from Spears’ 2013 album Britney Jean.


The finished song, while not my kinda music, admittedly does at least sound like a pop song should. This version sounds nothing like that. Spears, who by now should be a recording studio veteran in every sense, is admittedly off the mark from start to finish. .

Britney’s producer William Orbit rushed to Spears’ defence and suggested that what we’re hearing is a first-take warm up. He urged listeners not to judge Britney’s vocal prowess too harshly on this one recording alone.


“I’d like to affirm that any singer when first at the mic at the start of a long session can make a multitude of vocalisations in order to get warmed up. Warming up is essential if you’re a pro, as it is with a runner doing stretches, and it takes a while to do properly. I’ve heard all manner of sounds emitted during warmups. The point is that it is not supposed to be shared with millions of listeners.Britney is and always will be beyond stellar! She is magnificent! And that’s that.”

Let us know whether you agree or disagree and what you think of the growing trend among professional singers using Auto-Tune!


(Images and source – Verge, Huffpost, Popsugar)


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