Products I’ve Been Using


You Have Got To Check Out ‘Parfois’!

Recently my sister started working for a cool company called Parfois! I had heard a lot about the brand in recent months and so one evening just before I agreed to pick Carla up from work, I decided to pop in a few minutes early to check out what they had in store! Carla had been raving about the quality…
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Freckle Up This July Thanks To Topshop!

There’s more to a sun kissed look than just fake tan and bronzer. After all, a real sun-kissed look includes a sprinkling of freckles, and now, thanks to Topshop, we can fake those too! I love freckles, it took me years to accept mine as I always preferred to cover them, but in recent years – I accepted that I…
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Movie Reviews

Movie Review – How To Train Your Dragon 2

Four years ago, How to Train Your Dragon came out of nowhere and gave us a gorgeous adventure filled with humour, action, loss and love. How refreshing then that How To Train Your Dragon 2 contains the best elements of its predecessor and improves on them in almost every way. Written and directed by Dean DeBlois, the story centres on…
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Sue’s Beauty Faves (#AF)

Sue’s InTheStyle Collection (#AF)