Celeb Land

Weddings – Social Media DO’s and DON’T’s


This past week saw one of showbiz’s biggest weddings of the year – The Kimye Wedding.

The world waited with baited breath to see Kim’s dress choice, the venue, the guests – anything we could salivate over, discuss at the water cooler, debate on blog’s. The guests were well behaved and no photos’s were released until E! released the first exclusive images a day or so later, giving the ‘Wests/Kardashians’ at least one day of wedded privacy.

This leads us to discuss the role social media plays in weddings these days. Cameras are constantly in everyones hands, Instagram on speed dial, all of our lives displayed live in the moment for all to see. So Brides and Grooms are having to set rules and guidelines for the congregation on their wedding day in order to move into the modern century. mobile-phones-cake-toppers As a guest, DO check with the couple if they have any kind of social media ban. They may not be happy with their intimate photos being viewed by your ‘sisters friends aunties co-workers’ as the ‘likes’ hit their timeline.

If there’s no ban in place then DO suggest a wedding hashtag so all the guests can share their pics to one page, or set up a wedding whatsapp group for everyone who is attending. It’s a great way to keep and view all photos together and you can reminisce afterwards.

DON’T take photos during the ceremony. Unless you’re the hired photographer, not all couples want to see a sea of iphones aimed at their faces while making their vows. It’s rude, Save it for the party.


DON’T  be the first one to share the brides dress. Let her have her moment, Allow her to be the first to share her dress to the world (or at least check with her before posting) It’s her big day after all.

Take more than just 20 selfies of yourself and your fabulous makeup. Of course we all enjoy a selfie (if you don’t, you’re lying) but live in the moment, have fun with your friends, catch up with old acquaintances and capture those moments.

However, DON’T spend the entire day with your phone in your hand.

DO embrace the photo booth. Most weddings nowadays have a photobooth or video booth. Funny memories to be shared around. If there are one of these at the wedding then rest assured the bride and groom will be okay with you sharing photos of you and the granny in a fake moustache.





1 Comment

  1. Mary
    30 May 2014 / 14:07

    Wedpics is also a fantastic app for weddings..the couple set it up and leave a little card on the tables so everyone can post their photos to the same place!

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