Hey everyone, Dave here. As some of you know, a few short weeks ago I was fortunate to be blessed with a beautiful baby boy. Conor Higgins was born on 8th October to two very proud parents and an ecstatic big bro. I had the chance last year to write a very personal message (which you can read here if you so wish) to my first son, Liam, who was born in November 2012 and now I’d like to do the same for Conor.
To most of you I’m just a name that pops up on a Facebook you like from time to time, but behind the scenes I strive to do my best for you all each and every day as a small part of team SoSueMe. I’ve been a writer for the blog since early 2012 and have seen it grow from 4,000 followers to 163,000 today, and we’re all humbled to be part of a blog that has over 1 million people take a peek at our ramblings every month. Aside from the blog, which is a hobby but really so much more, I have a good job and most importantly a loving family. My wife, Louise, is an incredible woman and an even better friend, partner and mother to our boys. I love her. Completely and absolutely and with every part of me.
I feel lucky that Conor will grow up with the brother he has. Liam is a great kid, one of those souls who lights up a room just by passing through. He is free-spirited, infectiously happy and more fun than I thought possible. He is a great role model for a brother to have, and I can already see that he will be protective, caring and a best friend to Conor.
It’s hard to describe the feeling of seeing your child welcomed into the world, unless you have experienced it. You go through every emotion you think possible on that spin in to the hospital. Trying to take your mind off of the thousand worries you have you keep the conversation light-hearted, all the while secretly praying that the woman you love and your little child will get through it all safely. That’s the most you dare to ask for at that moment. The worry only gets worse as the time gets nearer and the nervous excitement is something that permeates your entire being. Anxiousness, self-doubt and anticipation all take turns in controlling you, but as soon as you hear that tiny tiny cry, it all washes away and you are flooded with euphoria as you realise how lucky you are in that one perfect moment. Your child has arrived into the world.
Tears of joy can’t be held back, nor should they be. That teeny human that my wife and I welcomed with open hearts is the most special thing in the world at that moment. Conor became a part of our lives and forever changed them. We are immeasurably blessed to have him as a son and hope that we do right by him and his brother. At less than three weeks old he is still so fragile and delicate, and it’s incredible to think of the trust something so small puts you as a parent. Every time he reaches out a tiny hand to hold yours it melts your heart and that bond is the most wonderful thing you will ever experience with another person.
To Conor, I just want to say welcome to our family. We love you more than you can possibly know, and we promise to do our best to raise you with manners, morals and a kindness towards the world around you. Be good to your brother. His heart bursts with pride and joy whenever he’s around you, and you are the first friends each of you will ever have. Stick up for each other and be gentle with each other and everyone whose path crosses yours in life. Explore and learn as much as you can, and always remember that your mom and I are proud to call you both our sons. Love you kiddo, my little superhero.
(Images – Instagram)
Oh wow Congrats Dave to you and you little family! Very moving
wow! so sweet brang tears to my eyes you can tell how much you love your little family. I wish you the greatest of happiness with your wife and beautiful boys 🙂