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Guys – 5 Tips To Improving Your Life!!


If you’re in a relationship you may notice over time that things settle into a fairly predictable routine. You can find yourself stuck in a bit of a rut, especially if you live with your other half and have decided that you no longer have to put any effort into winning her over. Well, there are some things that you can do to make your life a little easier; so with that in mind, here’s a handy guide to making your girl a little happier, which in turn will mean YOU will be happier!

Cook – Before you start with the usual excuse, we know your mammy made you dinner every day so it’s not your fault that you are the way you are, but its 2014 guys. Would it kill you to boil some spuds every now and again or learn how long it takes to cook meat? Learn three recipes. Just three. No one is asking you to become Gordon Ramsey, just that you can survive should your girlfriend ever go away for the night and your local Maccy D’s is closed. And no, “Smash & beans” is not a proper dinner!!


Clean – If you live with a woman, chances are you’ve been asked to pick up your jeans/towel/three weeks worth of underwear from the floor at some point. There’s a reason for this. It’s nice to walk into a tidy home, and you can help to keep it that way. Sweep the floor, empty the dishwasher, do some ironing; it’s really up to you how you help out, but for the love of God, HELP OUT! Yes, they are chores, but one of the pair of you has to do them, so why shouldn’t it be shared?! Trust me, take a little bit of pride in where you live and the brownie points will pile up quite quickly.

Grooming – “…But beards are in right now…” is an argument being had up and down this glorious country of ours all summer. Sure, you can let your patchy facial hair creep all over your face and even stick a flower in it to reach mega-hipster levels, but your girl will appreciate you much more if you practice a little man-scaping. Hygiene is important, and lets not forget that your other half regularly lets a stranger get face to face with her intimate parts and has hot wax poured on her then hair ripped out, JUST to keep herself in tip top shape for your ungrateful, beardy self! Next time you’re in the gym or at football training and think you’ll just go home and flop on the couch, remember that you DON’T smell like rich mahogany, you smell as appealing as the cast of Duck Dynasty look. Empty your own gearbag and Take. A Shower.


Shopping – This is the easiest thing on the list to do, because it really doesn’t take much effort, but it also doesn’t take much cash, so don’t use that as an excuse. When you’re out shopping together, pay attention to the things that are making your girls eyes light up. They can be shiny things, or shoes, or makeup. Whatever it is, make a mental note, or take a sneaky pic with your phone. When Christmas or a birthday comes around, don’t just walk into BTs like you woke from a coma and get a voucher. Chances are you’ve been told about 8 times already what she actually wants. Get off your ass and get it! It’s not the gift that will wow her, it’s the fact you bothered to listen when she dropped all those hints.

Listen – Want to relax after work and just chill out? So does your girl. For her, that means maybe chatting about her day. It wont take long, but regardless, you should listen. Playing with your phone is not listening. Lying prone like a slug on the couch with your eyes glassed over and making short humming noises every 5 minutes isn’t listening either. I know you just want to switch off. I now FIFA 15 is awesome. It really is. But you know what else is awesome? The woman who’s sitting opposite you, silently willing the tv to explode; the woman who does most of the cooking and cleaning for you and who just wants a little of your time before you get sucked into the vacuum of your Playstation for the night. Put the controller down and engage with her. It will mean so much more than you realise.


Flowers – Finally, flowers. women love them. They’re pretty and they smell nice. Every now and again, come home with some. Need a reason? Your favourite team won a match. You saw a cloud shaped like the bat-signal. It’s the second anniversary of that time the dog farted and frightened itself and you both laughed til you cried. Find a reason. Make one up. Next time you’re in Tesco and have a six pack of some German beer your friend told you about, put it down. It’ll taste just like all the other German beers he told you about. Get some flowers instead. It’ll mean the world to that wonderful girl who puts up with all your German beer fetishes, sitting at home just waiting to see you.

So that’s it. Some tips to help you on the journey of life, in your perpetual struggle to understand women. It’s not hard really. They just want to spend time with the guy they love, and you can make both your lives so much easier by just helping out, and showing her a little affection. So what are you waiting for? The dinner isn’t going to just cook itself!


(Images courtesy –


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