Happy Thursday! Hope you’re having a great week?
Can believe tomorrow is December 1st already…..! Wow…. Is it just me or did this year feel like the fastest one yet? Christmas is really creeping up and it’s starting to feel really festive around… I love it.
Anyway, for my personal post this week, I thought I would write about something a little different to what I normally blog about…. and that is books!
I notice that every time I post a picture of a book I’m reading to snap, I get 1000’s of screenshots and so I figured this would be a good post to do.
In this post, I share x3 books I would recommend. These are books I have read in the past and still pull out to re-read every now and then.
Book 1 – Please Forgive Me by Melissa Hill
This is the book I posted about when I was in Portugal last year and it had something like 1500 screenshots.
At the time I didn’t even realise that Melissa Hill was an Irish author until she contacted me to say thanks for the post after I Snapchatted about it!
It was by pure chance that I even came across it. The holiday apartment we were staying in at the time had a bookshelf where you could take a book and leave one in its place. I had a book with me that I had already read so I left it on the shelf and in return, chose Please Forgive Me, which I loved and couldn’t put down.
I don’t want to give too much away but the story is about a woman called Leonie who packs her bag and moves country to start a brand new life, all on her own. After she moves into an apartment, she finds a box of love letters at bottom of the wardrobe, and each letter ends with the words “please forgive me.”
Naturally, Leonie is drawn into the mystery and delves into the letters to try and find out more about the couple, their story and when it all happened.
Over time, as Leonie starts to unravel the story letter by letter, we start to get a little glimpse into in her own past. At first, we’re not told why she moved country so it’s only as the story progresses and the more letters she reads, that you start to find out more about her, and the couple the letters centre around.
I’m not going to give away the ending but it is a happy one and I have to say I found it very endearing.
I also found the story very relatable. After all, who hasn’t experienced that feeling of wanting to pack up and just escape from it all? It’s a beautiful read, an definitely a 10 out of 10 for me.
How can I get it? Forgive Me Please is available here and in bookshops nationwide
Book 2 – The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma
I’ve read this book so many times, it’s simply amazing.
Sometimes I will take it off the shelf and just skip to a random page and have a quick read. I find it calms me down whenever I’m feeling overwhelmed. It’s really motivating and centres around the fulfilment of dreams.
I think anyone that’s in business or feeling overworked, will really enjoy this. It also gives techniques on how to meditate, but never at any points sounds preachy.
What intrigued me the most was the story at the start of the book. It’s about a hugely successful criminal lawyer called Julian Mantle, who is the best in his field. He’s financially driven and very business-minded. He’s also a major workaholic, but it gets to a point however where he burns out and suffers a heart attack in the courtroom.
This is a complete awakening for him so he decides to sell his Ferrari, his mansion, his luxuries, and embark on a spiritual journey to the Himalayan mountains where he lives with a number of monks. When he returns, he’s a new person, so he shares his story with his friend.
It’s an incredible book about reaching your destiny, but the lesson that really hits home is that success in life is not necessarily about financial gain or a ticking off that goal list, it’s about having a purpose that leaves you feeling content and fulfilled.
It’s a VERY motivating read!
How can I get it? The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari is available here and in bookshops nationwide.
Book 3 – The Power of The Subconscious Mind by Dr Joseph Murphy
This book was a massive hit which is not at all surprising!
If you want to hone in on your thoughts and the power of your mind, then I think you would definitely benefit from this book. Chapter 1 drags a little, but after that, it’s so difficult to put it down.
Again, this is the kind of book that I still take out and read a chapter from every now and then. I’m not even going to show you a photo of my version because it’s almost in bits, I’ve had it that long and read it that often!
How can I get it? The Power of The Subconscious Mind is available here and in bookshops nationwide
I don’t get a lot of free time to read books so I won’t be posting book recommendations on a regular basis, but when I find a good one, I will definitely share it here on the blog!
Many lives, many masters!!
I swear you will not regret it, it will change your outlook forever!
“The girl on the train” is a brilliant read xx
The couple next door
Read “the couple next door” you’ll love it chick! X