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In The News

Oscar Pistorius Not Guilty Of Murder.

UPDATE: Oscar Pistorius was found guilty of the manslaughter of Reeva Steenkamp today. Their version of the charge, culpable homicide, has a maximum sentence of 15 years but Pistorius may not face a prison sentence at all, given it’s his first ever criminal conviction and the judge believed he showed genuine remorse for the incident.  Sentencing won’t be until a…
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The Item On Every Girls Wish List?

We love a good selfie as much as the next gal, but have things been taken too far? This week saw the release of the ‘Selfie Brush’. That’s right, it does exactly what it says on the tin. Literally a hair-brush which you can enclose your phone in and snap away. We admit we got a bit excited when we…
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Fashion: Cameron Diaz for Pour La Victoire

  Cameron Diaz’s first full accessories line for shoe label, Pour La Victoire has been released! This story may seem familiar, because back in February we told you all about Cameron’s first capsule collection for the brand, as acting creative director. You can read all about her initial offering here.   Cameron’s new line is her first foray into the world…
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Celeb Land

The X Factor Contestant With The A-List Sibling!!

If you watched the X Factor over the weekend then you may have seen this lady impress the judges with her audition. There was a moment before she sang where Simon Cowell asked if they’d met before, implying that he at least recognised her. Well, it turns out, he MAY have seen her before, because the young woman in question…
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Sue’s Beauty Faves (#AF)

Sue’s InTheStyle Collection (#AF)