Products I’ve Been Using


Mischa Barton Announces Jewelry Line

  We already know Mischa Barton is a fan of accessorizing. With a handbag line behind her, the former OC star has  now announced that she will venture into a jewelry line too. Mischa took to twitter tonight to say ”I’m really so excited to do a jewelry line. It’s going to be too excellent for words.”   Bartons handbag…
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In The News

Google To Launch SmartWatch Range This Year

The latest tech giant to realise the potential value of wearable technology is Google, who have announced their intention to jump into the market later this year with Android Wear. Working with consumer electronics makers and other companies, the aim tis to develop lightweight and fast working wearables, starting with smartwatches. In a post on the official Android blog, Google…
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Buy Of The Week

Product List: Full Face Of Rimmel London!

On Saturday I had my very first SoSueMe On Tour workshop and it turned out to be a huge success. I will be doing a separate blog with all the images and the video captured from the day, so stay tuned until then. I was very lucky to have two of my favourite brands on board and sponsor my event…
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Sue’s Beauty Faves (#AF)

Sue’s InTheStyle Collection (#AF)