If you haven’t heard of Cian Twomey, then you’re in for a treat! For those of you that already know his work, you’ll know that the young Cork native is steadily making a name for himself through his brilliant comedy sketches on his Facebook page and his just launched YouTube Channel. Cian’s fantastic videos have become a viral sensation, as he offers a glimpse into the world of Irish mammies, grannies and teens that every Irish person can relate to.
I had the pleasure of speaking to Cian about his start in the world of comedy and what the future holds;

Q: So Cian, 130,000 Facebook followers, 30,000 since Friday alone…has the reaction to your videos been a pleasant surprise??
A: Yeah, quite frankly I’m not sure why my page has blown up so quickly, maybe because they are so relatable!
Q: What inspired all of this?
A: My father was always a funny man, since he passed away I figured I would do the videos in honour of him. He is my inspiration.
Q: With sketches so short, how do you keep it fresh and entertaining??
A:It’s easy, I get straight to the point and I keep the content original! No one likes to hear a recycled joke!
Q: The fact the videos are uniquely Irish is part of the huge appeal…is that something you’re going to continue to draw inspiration from?
A: I plan on branching out with videos that will relate to everyone worldwide, to be quite honest I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to do it, but I will!
Q: You’ve launched your own YouTube channel where you promise longer sketches as well as some more personal videos… is that where you plan to focus your energy or do you see yourself branching out into TV and radio?
A: Yeah the YouTube videos will consist of much longer videos, I will have people in them other than myself, and they will be a lot more personal! Just recently I was offered the opportunity to do skits for RedFm every Monday, for those who don’t know RedFm, they are the biggest radio station in Cork.
Q: Finally, with the success of the last few months and the inevitable attention that brings, what does your own Irish mammy think of all of this??
A: My mother is an angel, she is so supportive over these videos and even suggests ideas to me! My mother character is an over-emphasised version of her! She is nothing like that in real life, she is a sweetheart!

We’re huge fans of his videos here at SoSueMe HQ, and we wish Cian all the best for the future. It’s great to see a young Irish person who is such a positive role model and who’s hard work is paying off. I’m sure our paths will cross again in the future and we look forward to seeing what the young comedian has in store for us next.
(Images courtesy Facebook, Cian Twomey)