Happy Wednesday Guys!
Hope you are all having a great week so far 🙂
Today we are back with one of the most sought after product lists for any beauty look this year, Kylie Jenner’s Birthday Make-up!
She may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but Kylie always does have a flawless make-up look which we love here in SoSueMe HQ. With the launch of Kylie’s new website (TheKylieJenner.com), comes more make-up tutorials and insights into Kylie’s life, hence this full product list that has been released by the reality star.
Now a lot of these products are from US based brands, but we have found the majority of them can be sourced on the likes of Amazon and Ebay. They are pretty pricey with the full product list coming in at a staggering $500, but we love knowing what make-up is used to create celebrity looks so we thought you guys would too 🙂
Enjoy and let us know if you treat yourself to any of these!
Kylie’s Eye Make-Up Products
Laura Mercier Primer in “Buff”
Anastasia Beverly Hills in “Java” Contour
Anastasia Beverly Hills in “Cinnamon” Contour
Anastasia Beverly Hills in “Noir” Eye Shadow
Color Pop Game Face in “Super Shock” Eye Shadow
Tarte Clay Pot Eyeliner
Too Face “Better than Sex” Mascara
Kylie’s Face Make-Up
Koh Gen Goh Illuminator
Koh Gen Goh Foundation
Cover FX Custom Cover Drops
Kevyn Aucoin The Sensual Skin Enhancer “Sx02”
Bobbi Brown Foundation “Chestnut”
Chanel Soleil Tan De Chanel
Anastasia Brown Wiz
Anastasia Contour L’Orange
Japonesque Blush
Mac Fix + Spray
Watch her tutorial here
So there you have it guys, Kylie’s full Birthday Make-up product list 🙂
Enjoy the rest of your day!