With an army of staff at her beck and call, one could be forgiven for assuming that Kim Kardashian has the luxury of long lie-in’s and fuss-free mornings. Not so!
Kim once revealed that she gets up at 6am every day and carries out a routine that sets her up for her busy schedule. Believe it or not, but this routine can be followed by anyone. It’s centres around the theory that if you get up early and make the most of your morning by taking time for yourself, rather than sleeping in and then rushing around, you will be more productive throughout the day.
So what does Kim do?
First she spends an hour running within her gated estate or on her treadmill. Sometimes she will jog by herself or with Kanye, but more often than not she will go with her personal trainer, as she is currently in the midst of a major fitness overhaul to lose the baby weight something she has referred to several times recently on her Snapchat.
Next she works on her abs or legs whilst listening to either R&B or classical music. Kim listening to classical! who would have thought?
By exercising and listening to music however, she is calming her mind and preparing herself for a hectic day ahead.
If you can go for a brisk walk, stick in your earphones and get yourself psyched up.
Kim has also said in the past that tries to have a fast breakfast before spending time with North and Saint when they wake at around 8am. Her breakfast of choice is usually scrambled eggs or oatmeal, followed by a protein shake with fruit.
Making time for a healthy breakfast is always going to be a huge benefit, especially if you have a crazy workload.
Skip breakfast and you are setting yourself up for fatigue and foggy thinking.
By 9am Kim is in the shower and getting ready for the day ahead. If she’s filming Keeping Up With The Kardashian’s, then she has her make-up applied at ten o’clock and is ready for camera over and hour and a half later!
If however she’s in a rush, she says she applies her own makeup in 15 minutes!
Afterwards her day is usually filled with filming, meetings and more filming with only a break or 2 for some lunch which, Kim says, usually consists of fish and vegetables, or chicken and vegetables.”
By eating healthy, she is supplying her body with energy to keep her going throughout the day, but by having taken control of her morning, she is more organised and prepared.
It’s a difficult routine to get into but if you start by getting up half an hour earlier each morning and going for a nice brisk walk, you should notice a big difference in how you take on each day.
And there you have it guys, the morning routine Kim Kardashian follows to help her keep up with her crazy schedule.