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Movie Reviews

Movie Review – Noah

Russell Crowe returns to our screens this week with a role of biblical proportions in Darren Aronofsky’s take on one of the most widely known stories ever written. Lifted from the pages of the book of genesis in the bible, Noah follows the life of an ordinary man, plagued by visions of an impending apocalypse. Resolving to discover his purpose…
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Lupita Nyong’o The New Face Of Lancóme

Time magazine have revealed that everyone’s favourite Academy Award winner this year has landed her first big endorsement as the face of French luxury brand Lancóme, saying she’s proud to push the idea that beauty shouldn’t be dictated, but rather be an expression of a woman’s freedom to be herself. Lupita Nyong’o’s breakout year just keeps getting better as she is…
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Celebrity Style

Finally! – A Fashion Collection from Nicole Richie

Ten years ago if you’d heard Nicole Richie would have her own ready-to-buy fashion collection you would have gasped with shock. But Ms Richie has grown from party girl fashion pariah to one of todays most popular fashion icons. From her days of unflattering short skirts and messy badly streaked hair Nicole matured and eventually became a Mother of two,…
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Sue’s Beauty Faves (#AF)

Sue’s InTheStyle Collection (#AF)